Our team

Bringing together strong technical expertise in Sanskrit and software is key to our success. Our team ranges from AI experts, to app developers, to sanskritists and manuscriptologists. Together, we’ve built the technical infrastructure, user interfaces, and the lexicons needed for a robust, scalable platform.
Every day we study manuscript images and operate our simple and strong computer driven processes to perform the pains taking tasks of pagination, cataloguing and transcribing manuscripts. Quality in what we do and consistency across the team are key to our success.

Sanjaya Singhal

Sanjaya is a voracious learner and reader. Having spent his career building cutting edge technology at Secure Meters, the multinational company he founded, he has now turned his fierce intellect, broad perspective, and systems thinking, to this Sanskriti project. In retirement, he developed a passion for Sanskrit and our ancient texts. As head of Sanskriti, he has meticulously designed the system architecture, the cataloguing processes, and built the team to bring both of these to life. In addition to his role at Sanskriti, he also sits on several other boards.

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